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Camping tips for beginners
Camping can be a great vacation for all the family and has the added advantage of being ideal for those who are on a low budget. Once you have purchased all the equipment you need it will last for years if you take good care of it. Here are a few things that you will definitely need.
Figure it all out in advance and you and your family are sure to have a great time on your camping trip.
Tents are the first thing you should buy and the good news is that they come in a range of sizes so whether you are camping on your own or with a family of 10, you are sure to find an option to suit you. From the simple two-man tent to the larger tents that have separate sleeping and living areas, there is something for everyone. Included with them are all the things that you will need including ropes and tent pegs. Our most popular tents include the Snugpak Scorpion 2, Snugpak Ionosphere and Highlander Blackthorn tents.Sleeping Gear
Sleeping bags are the most basic thing you will need for the camping lifestyle but many people prefer to add in a sleeping mat or an airbed just to make it a little more comfortable. A Snugpak sleeping bag is a great choice for style, warmth and a great night's sleep. A good quality sleeping bag is a great investment - just because you are getting back to nature doesn't mean you have to have sleepless nights! Sleeping bags are another thing that come in a range of sizes, but remember if you are buying for kids they are going to grow and you might have to buy new ones in a couple of years.Cooking equipment
Stoves, pans and dishes are always needed when you are camping, particularly if you are catering for a group. A Jetboil Flash cooking stove is easy to use, is compact and efficient, so preparing hot meals while you are camping will not be a problem. Boil time is only 100 seconds so you can be warm with a lovely brew in less than 2 minutes! Another option is a BBQ but if you are camping off the beaten track remember that you will need somewhere to keep food such as meat cool and fresh. You should also consider how light you want to travel - if you are on your own you should be able to manage with a relatively small number of cooking utensils.Research
Don't let your research stop at where to camp. Look into all the different options that you have with tents, sleeping bags and cooking stoves. Think carefully about what you should take with you. One of the mistakes that many first time campers make is to take too many things with them, for example, packing boxes of board games thinking that the family will sit around each evening to play them. Be realistic about the clothes you pack too.Figure it all out in advance and you and your family are sure to have a great time on your camping trip.
5 Top Hiking and Walking Tips for Beginners

If you are new to hiking, follow our 5 top tips to ensure that you get off to a good start. Some are common sense, but others may not occur to you until you find yourself in the middle of a hiking trail, wishing you had spent more time on your preparations.
1 - Assess Your Physical Condition - The first thing you should do is assess your physical condition so that you can pick a hiking trail that is well within your capabilities. Once you have completed a few trails, you can think about tackling more advanced routes, but it is better to start off with a trail that does not overtax you physically.
2 - Acquire the Necessary Equipment - If you are going to be hiking in the wilderness, you will need to go well equipped. A good pair of walking boots and some quality walking socks are essential, along with water bottles to take care of hydration. You should also take along some energy bars to keep up your strength when attempting longer hikes. If you would prefer not to carry loose water bottles, you can invest in equipment, such as Camelbak hydration packs, which are backpacks with an integral reservoir in which clean drinking water can be stored.
3 - Obtain a Trail Map and Study it Carefully - Before you set off on your first hike, obtain a map of the trail you are planning to follow and study it carefully. Look out for any points along the way where paths cross each other so that you can make sure you do not head off in the wrong direction and get lost. You may also like to mark the location of promising-looking spots where you can stop and have a bite to eat, such as by a river or lake.
4 - Get Your Equipment Ready - The day before you go on your first hike, gather all your equipment together to make sure that you have everything you need. If you bought yourself a Camelbak hydration pack, you can either fill it the night before or in the morning before you set off. The reservoirs are designed to ensure that the water inside them stays fresh so it is perfectly safe to fill them in advance. Place your walking boots and walking socks together with the rest of your gear so you do not forget to put them on before you leave.
5 - Check Online Weather Reports - Adverse weather conditions can cause serious problems, even for experienced hikers, so it is important to check the local weather reports before you set off on your first hike. If high winds or heavy rain are forecast, it may be best to postpone your trip until another day.
Wherever you decide to go for your first hike, we hope that you have a great time and enjoy many more trips in the future!